We only provide the highest quality and genuine crystals.
Yes. We offer a flat rate for international orders.
We will package and ship your order within 1 day of payment.
We utitilise Australia Post as our shipping company.
We can also send orders using Express Post so that you can receive your order fast!
We lovingly package each piece, using bubblewrap to ensure you receive them in tact.
We will always provide you with a Tracking Number. You can also check the status of your order HERE.
You can also track your order via the Australia Post website. Track your order here.
If your order is not tracking correctly, please contact us and we will assist you track down your order.
You can track your order here.
Our delivery guidelines as follows:
Australian Customers:
3-6 business days.
International Customers:
UK: 5-7 business days
USA: 5-9 business days
You can check the estimated delivery times from the Australia Post website.
Please contact us via the Contact Form below this page and we will work with you to resolve any issues.
We strive to provide our customers with the best service.
We will answer your questions as soon as we are notified!
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